Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I arrange a home visit?
Home visits take the doctors a great deal more time than surgery consultations and sometimes full examinations and tests cannot be done in the home. If, however, you need the doctor to visit you at home, please telephone 01905 726444 before 10am when possible, and give the receptionist your details.
Please help us by coming to the surgery whenever possible. We do understand that some patients may not have easy access to transport, but this is not in itself a valid reason to request a home visit.
How do I obtain a test result?
All patients’ records on paper or held on the computer are confidential. In order to maintain this confidentiality, laboratory and x-ray results will only be given to patients themselves, or parents of minors if appropriate, when satisfactory identification has been obtained by the receptionist.
When inquiring about a result please come to the surgery if possible, or telephone 01905 726444. Sometimes the doctor will suggest that you make an appointment to be given the result, or that you should speak to the doctor directly. The receptionist will advise you if this is necessary.
How do I obtain a medical certificate?
Periods of absence from work of six days or less do not need a doctor’s certificate.
Self-certificates (form SC2) for the first week of illness are available from your employer, post offices and our reception desk.
We do not therefore issue a doctor’s certificate for the first six working days of sickness.
After the first week, certificates are obtained as part of a consultation with your doctor. If you are under the care of a hospital doctor, you may ask them to issue your certificate.