About Diabetes.
Diabetes is a long-term (chronic) condition caused by too much glucose (sugar) in the blood. It is also known as diabetes mellitus. There are two types of diabetes - type 1 and type 2.
According to the charity Diabetes UK, more than two million people in the UK have the condition and up to 750,000 more are believed to have it without realising they do.
More than three-quarters of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes mellitus. This used to be known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or maturity-onset diabetes mellitus. The number of people with type 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing as it commoner in the overweight and obese, which is itself a growing problem.
The remainder have type 1 diabetes mellitus, which used to be known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
What’s the treatment for diabetes?
It's recognised that the sooner the blood sugar levels are brought under control, the better the long term prospects of preventing damage. Lifestyle advice about diet, weight management and regular activity is the first step.
Type 1 diabetes will require immediate insulin therapy, Type 2 diabetes will first be managed with a drug called Metformin, if lifestyle changes alone aren't effective. There are now several other drugs used in type 2 diabetes, although eventually some type 2 diabetics will need insulin therapy as it's a progressive disease.
More information can be found at the NHS website.
More information can be found via the Diabetes clinic at Worcester Royal Hospital https://www.worcsacute.nhs.uk/diabetes/
Diabetes UK.
Diabetes UK are a charity devoted to the care and treatment of people with diabetes in order to improve the quality of life for people with the condition.
Their website offers a variety of information on both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, and their YouTube channel contains a number of excellent videos on managing your condition.
Have you been identified as eligible to start the Freestyle Libre 2 flash glucose monitoring system?
The FreeStyle Libre 2 system comprises of a small, discreet sensor worn on the back of the upper arm that continuously measures the glucose levels in the body's interstitial fluid. By simply scanning the sensor with either your smartphone (using the FreeStyle LibreLink app) or a FreeStyle Libre 2 reader, you can see your current reading, the last eight hours, and a trend arrow of which direction your glucose is heading. Optional glucose alarms warn you when your glucose is too high or too low. The sensor lasts for up to 14 days so 2 sensors will be added to your 28 day repeat prescription.
Please complete the steps below to order your free starter kit and complete the online training.
Step 1 - Order your FreeStyle Libre 2 Starter Kit and download the LibreLink app freestylediabetes.co.uk/fsl2sce
Step 2 – Complete the online training video FreeStyleDiabetes.co.uk/FSL2start
LEARNING ZONE - https://learningzone.diabetes.org.uk